Fellowships, Internships & Volunteer Opportunities
Below is a list of OLAM partners that offer fellowship, internship, or volunteer opportunities in developing countries.
Please note that OLAM does not vet its partners. It is the responsibility of each volunteer to carefully assess and evaluate the organizations before applying.
There is a cost to take part in several of the opportunities listed below.

Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV)
Founded in response to the orphan crisis caused by the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, and modeled after the Israeli youth village Yemin Orde, ASYV empowers orphaned and vulnerable Rwandan youth to build lives of dignity and contribute to a better world.
Type of opportunity: Fellowship
Country: Rwanda
Length: ~11 months
Ideal for: Individuals with an undergraduate and/or advanced degree that have some experience working with youth
Description: ASYV's Village Fellows work in professional roles, including: supporting the ASYV visitor program, communications, health & wellness, English language learning, career development, information technology, and more.
More about the ASYV Fellows program >
Type of opportunity: Service-learning trips for groups of 6-30
Country: Rwanda
Length: 8 days
Ideal for: Groups and organizations
Description: An opportunity for high school, college, and adult groups to engage in a meaningful exchange with ASYV students, staff, and peers, and learn about Rwanda’s history and culture. Participants witness how Rwandans have changed their country's narrative, and cultivate an understanding of and commitment to global citizenship and a deeper awareness of their own place in the wider world. This is for groups and organizations only. Individuals cannot apply.

Brit Olam - International Volunteering and Development
An Israeli public association whose activities include developing and executing community-based development programs to reduce poverty and vulnerability in developing countries, as well as providing relief and rehabilitation projects in states of humanitarian crises.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Various
Length: Varies
Ideal for: Skilled professionals and/or general volunteers
Description: Brit Olam–Topaz offers Israelis a unique volunteering experience based on extensive professional knowledge and experience, and are often conducted in professional partnerships with first-rate local partners and organizations. Brit Olam–Topaz works to provide its volunteers with interesting and satisfying activity frameworks and supplies professional support and guidance during field activities.

A Mexican-based Jewish civil society organization focused on disaster and crisis prevention and assistance.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Various
Length: Varies
Ideal for: Skilled professionals and/or general volunteers (with a focus on Spanish speakers)
Description: Individual volunteers can join groups focused on specific matters: search and rescue, needs assessments, water harvesting systems, and gender perspective. There are also roles for people trained in photography, medicine, dentistry, or psychology, as well as for general volunteers.

An Israeli not-for-profit organization operating in East Africa that specializes in capacity-building, as well as knowledge and technology transfer initiatives - with a focus on agriculture, water, and nutrition.
Type of opportunity: Internship
Countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda
Length: 6-12 months
Ideal for: Skilled professionals - experienced agronomists & technicians
Description: CultivAid’s international internships program is creating a new path for developing a more experienced type of agronomist and technician, who will then be able to spread knowledge and capabilities around Israel and to different parts of the world. The internships provide practical experience for young professionals in the implementation, operation, and maintenance of the technologies being introduced. Local interns work side by side with their Israeli counterparts on the implementation of year-round operations.

Fair Planet
An Israeli nonprofit providing smallholder farmers in developing countries with means to exit the malnutrition and poverty cycle through access to the highest quality seeds.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Country: Ethiopia
Length: 3-6 months. Volunteers may extend their volunteering period after 2 months.
Ideal for: Skilled professionals and/or general volunteers
Description: Fair Planet volunteers are trained to manage project sites. Their tasks include: overseeing varieties trials, guiding farmers, training local experts, and much more - all for the success of smallholder farmers. No agricultural experience needed.

Gabriel Project Mumbai (GPM)
Gabriel Project Mumbai (GPM), a community-led development organization, creates innovative and comprehensive solutions to the problems of extreme poverty by working with vulnerable communities in urban slums and under-served areas.
Type of opportunity: Internship
Country: India
Length: 1 yr / 4 months / summer / 4 weeks
Ideal for: Anyone, though some specific internships have their own acceptance criteria
Description: GPM has several long-term internship placements based in the rural tribal district of Mokhada. Interns focus on community development in education, hygiene, health, nutrition, social services, agriculture, and livelihood. These can be sponsored or unsponsored internships depending on what is available, but if an internship is not sponsored by an external organization, the intern will be required to find another source of funding to cover expenses incurred.
Note: GPM living quarters are kosher, co-ed (separate-gender rooms), smoke-free, drug-free, alcohol-free
Type of opportunity: Short-term volunteer
Country: India
Length: 1 or more days
Ideal for: Anyone
Description: Groups and individual visitors come for a day or more with the goal of learning about the issues facing underserved communities in the slums or villages of India and/or to help by lending a hand and volunteering in the communities.

Heroes for Life
An Israeli NGO dedicated to volunteering in various countries around the world in order to do good and to represent the beautiful face of Israel.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: At least 2 dozen countries including Peru, Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam, Argentina
Length: 2 weeks
Ideal for: Israeli soldiers who've completed their military service
Description: Heroes for Life organizes 2-week volunteer cycles in developing countries for Israeli ware traveling after completing their military service. Each volunteer team consists of 30 kpackers who are prescreened in Israel. While the individuals on the teams change each year, the teams return to the same areas, ensuring continuity in their work. Volunteer work is divided into 3 categories: education, renovating schools & homes, and medical assistance

An Israeli organization working to make volunteering accessible to everyone, so that they can discover their true strength, meet great people, and understand how much satisfaction and pleasure there is in working together to achieve a goal.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Israel, various countries in Africa
Length: 3-1/2 months in Israel, 2 weeks in an African country
Ideal for: Israelis aged 18-70
Description: HelpUp aspires to create incremental changes in villages throughout several African countries, according to the needs of the local community, and working in full collaboration with community members. Every helpUp group that works in Africa first volunteers in Israel (i.e.: at boarding schools, assisting providing meals & medical equipment to soldiers, working on farms). In Africa, there are general volunteer opportunities, medical missions to hospitals, educational volunteering, construction libraries, schools, and more.

JDC Entwine
JDC Entwine, an initiative of JDC, offers transformative global service and travel experiences, innovative educational programs, and tailored leadership development opportunities to young Jews, so that they can live a life of action with global Jewish responsibility at its core.
Type of opportunity: Ralph I. Goldman Fellowship
Countries: Typically, RIG Fellows serve in 2 or 3 countries during the fellowship year.
Length: 1 year
Ideal for: Rising young leaders who have experience as professionals or lay leaders in the Jewish community
Description: The Ralph I. Goldman Fellowship in Global Jewish Leadership (RIG) is JDC’s premier leadership opportunity, awarded to one person annually, for rising professionals or lay leaders in the Jewish community, young thinkers and doers from all fields — policy makers, writers, business innovators, artists, and community builders. This is a paid, professional opportunity for an exceptional young leader who is committed to impacting the global Jewish world.
More about the Ralph I Goldman Fellowship >
Type of opportunity: Jewish Service Corps Fellowship
Countries: Fellows have served in Hungary, Israel, Poland, Rwanda, Croatia and more!
Length: 11 months
Ideal for: Recent college graduates & young professionals
Description: The JDC Entwine Global Jewish Service Corps Fellowship (JSC) places recent college graduates and young professionals in year-long service opportunities in global communities served by JDC. Fellows contribute to community life while developing their leadership capacity and knowledge of global Jewish causes. Ongoing learning, including three leadership retreats around the world and monthly coaching, supports the fellow’s growth, developing leaders who have a global mindset and a powerful skillset.

Justifi: Adventure with Purpose
Justifi, a travel-oriented nonprofit, organizes trips that take you into the heart of the local culture while giving you insight into the issues facing the country from some of the inspirational people working there to make a real change.
Type of opportunity: Travel experience + Volunteer
Countries: Worldwide
Length: 10+ days
Ideal for: Jews of all denominations 18+
Description: Justifi is more than a trip to a cool location; Justifi will strengthen your Jewish identity through tikkun olam, while presenting you with extraordinary, once in a lifetime activities including: supporting vulnerable children, engaging local communities, assisting refugees, and contributing through building, planting, painting, and teaching English to kids. All trips are kosher and Sabbath observant.

Mensch supports and develops social change-makers, facilitates volunteering, and builds bridges between people, to bring about positive transformation in South Africa.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Country: South Africa
Length: Various
Ideal for: Anyone based in South Africa
Description: Mensch, based in Cape Town, offers volunteer opportunities through its Mitzvah Day, social impact projects, and other programs.

NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief
NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief is an all-volunteer Israeli humanitarian disaster relief organization with over 19 years of experience in global operations. NATAN collaborates with international NGOs and local communities throughout the world.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Worldwide
Length: Various
Ideal for: Skilled professionals (psychosocial: nurses, dental professionals, social workers and those with experience in disaster relief); General volunteers
Description: NATAN volunteers provide medical, dental, and psycho-social aid to survivors to both natural and human-made disasters - most notably refugees. If you have administrative, technical or creative skills, you can join the NATAN team from home, by providing administration, writing, translating, design, photography, video editing, technical or technological skills.

Operation Ethiopia
Operation Ethiopia, a Jewish and Israeli organization, brings high-quality eyecare directly to every Ethiopian in need - Jews and non-Jews alike.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Country: Ethiopia
Length: 1 week
Ideal for: Skilled professionals (ophthalmologists & optometrists, EMTs); General volunteers. All volunteers must speak Hebrew & English.
Description: The main goal of Operation Ethiopia volunteer trips are to run Mobile Eyecare clinics in rural villages. Laypeople are trained to operate devices that screen for glaucoma and auto-refract for vision. They also check in patients, manage medication distribution, fit patients with reading glasses, and more. EMTs, in addition to participating in our Mobile Eyecare Clinics, teach first aid and CPR to medical staff in Gondar University hospital, out in the field, and also to laypeople in the Jewish community. All volunteers are invited to help with a feeding program for malnourished children during early mornings in the Jewish compound.

Orthodox Union Relief Missions
OU Relief Missions are aimed at strengthening Jewish identity, fostering a passion for volunteering, promoting a positive global understanding of Judaism through chessed (acts of loving kindness), and developing leadership skills.
Type of opportunity: Short-term service-learning programs
Countries: Multiple locations
Length: Typically 1 week but varies by location
Ideal for: Jewish teens & young adults
Description: The OU runs relief missions across America & around the world. Activities vary by location and need, but participants on past trips have helped with cleanup from natural disasters, built homes, worked in schools, and more. All relief missions are kosher and Sabbath observant.

Save a Child's Heart
Save A Child's Heart treats children suffering from congenital and rheumatic heart disease from around the world who have little access to care in their own countries, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or financial status.
Type of opportunity: Internship + Volunteers
Country: Israel
Length: Various
Ideal for: Medical interns / Anyone 18+
Description: Interns and volunteers can take on a variety of responsibilities including: certain medical responsibilities (for students who have completed at least one year of medical school), office management, social media, and providing emotional support to the kids and their families during their stay in Israel, pre- and post-procedure.

Stand Up
An organisation built on the compassion, willpower and commitment of volunteers, Stand Up opens doors for the Australian Jewish Community to act on social justice.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Country: Australia
Length: Varies
Ideal for: Anyone based in Sydney or Melbourne, Australia
Description: Stand up has several programs for which they are seeking passionate volunteers in both Sydney and Melbourne. These include: Refugee Partnership Programs aimed at tackling systemic challenges encountered by migrant communities and First Nation Partnership Programs, which have built long term relationships with the communities of Toomelah and Boggabilla, primarily through youth engagement.

The Step Up
The Step Up, based in the UK, provides life skills and education to children and youth who have fled conflict and violence during a humanitarian crisis. Programs run in refugee camps or rural villages during the summer and winter holidays, offering children a safe, productive and stimulating environment.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Various, including Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda
Length: Several weeks during the summer
Ideal for: Teachers or youth workers with experience working with children or teens
Description: The Step Up camps provide children an educational step up, giving them a chance for a brighter future. Volunteers work together with local staff and teachers to support at-risk children in learning vital life skills, health and hygiene, English language, and community values.

TEN: Tikkun Olam Empowerment Network
The Jewish Agency's TEN is a service-learning program that takes place in Israel and developing regions around the world, in which volunteers participate in an integrated curriculum focusing on Jewish values and community, and engage in a global dialogue on Jewish identity with their peers.
Type of opportunity: Volunteer
Countries: Various
Length: 1-2 weeks / 6 weeks / 3 months / 5 months
Ideal for: Each program is for a different audience, including Israeli and Jewish young adults, organized groups, and allied healthcare professionals (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists )
Description: TEN runs volunteer centers in low- and middle-income countries, which give their young volunteers the opportunities to work with local communities and engage in global dialogue, while learning about Jewish values and community. In addition, TEN sends allied health professionals to communities in Uganda and Ghana for 5 week periods, in order to share knowledge and work with local people.

Tevel combats extreme poverty at its roots within subsistence farming villages, which are home to over half of the populations in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. They do this through a holistic approach that addresses interconnected such as agricultural training, community outreach, and livelihood development through small-scale farming.
Type of opportunity: Internship/Volunteer
Countries: Zambia, Nepal
Length: Periods ranging from 2-4 weeks to full semesters
Ideal for: Anyone, though some programs require some agricultural knowledge
Description: Tevel volunteer programs in village communities in Zambia and Nepal combine service with study, research, and learning - fostering a deeper connection to both community and global service. Rooted in the Jewish values of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and social justice, but also inspired by contemporary thought and research, Tevel's volunteer initiatives provide individuals of all backgrounds the chance to engage in hands-on projects aimed at sustainable development in impoverished communities.