A Growing Field: A 2018 Snapshot on Global Jewish Service and International Development


February 6, 2019

What is the profile of OLAM partner organizations in 2018?

How has the field of global Jewish service and international development changed over the past two years since the 2016 Partner Survey?

How much funding does the Jewish community invest in international development and global service?

In what ways does the OLAM community function as a network of global Jewish service and international development organizations?

Conducted by Rosov Consulting, the 2018 Partner Survey provides an in-depth look at the field of global Jewish service and international development. This piece of research profiles OLAM’s partner organizations: their activities, funding sources, relationship to each other and to the greater Jewish world.

The survey was administered in both Hebrew and English and respondents were given the choice of which language to use to respond to the open ended questions. All partners were expected to complete the survey in order to access OLAM’s benefits in 2019, including OLAM in Motion travel subsidies and subsidized travel and registration for OLAM’s annual Focal Point conference. Forty-five (45) partners completed the survey, amounting to an 88% response rate. Of those, 28 partners also completed the OLAM 2016 Partner Survey which is used in this memo for comparison.

These data points as highlighted below are intended to springboard conversations around the field’s impact, philanthropic trends, international volunteers, Jewish values, and OLAM as a network. If you are interested in using the data to have these conversations please email us at info@olamtogether.org.

To read the full report, click here.
